Japanese society of Ova Research


Vol.40 No.2

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Effects of differences in compaction formation processes on embryo euploidy
JMOR, 40(2) 43-48, 2023
Takeuchi Ladies Clinic/Center for Reproductive Medicine, 502-2 Higashimochida, Aira, Kagoshima 899-5421, Japan

In this study, we investigated the characteristics of blastocysts undergoing different processes of compaction formation and their euploidy. The blastocysts were divided into three groups: the group that forms compaction through normal development was designated the Control (group C), blastomeres left behind during compaction (group I), and blastomeres ejected during compaction (group II). The characteristics of the embryos observed in groups I and II, embryonic development speed and division pattern, and euploidy were examined. In terms of blastocyst arrival time, group II was significantly slower than group C. Regarding the number of blastocyst arrival days (day5 or 6), group I and group II showed significantly higher values than group C. Embryos in which direct cleavage and reverse cleavage occurred were defined as abnormal cleavage (AC). The frequency of AC was significantly higher in group I than in group C. In group I, euploidy occurred more frequently when AC was confirmed, and in group II, it took longer to reach the blastocyst stage. The euploidy rate was low in group II, suggesting that there may be some relationship between the phenomenon of ejection of blastomeres during compaction and euploidy of embryos.

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