Japanese society of Ova Research


Vol.37 No.2

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The Pitfalls of PGT-A
JMOR, 37(2) 89-94, 2020
Osaka General Medical Center, 3-1-56 Bandaihigashi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8558, Japan

Aneuploidy of embryo chromosomes, being a factor in implantation failure and miscarriage, impairs the potential of pregnancy. Because of this, preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A) was developed, PGT-A tests the aneuploidy of chromosomes prior to embryo transfer, and has rapidly become popular throughout the field of assisted reproductive technology. PGT-A, which can select fertilized embryos with higher fertility, is expected to improve the pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization. However, some technical issues remain unresolved, and the performance of PGT-A for all patients is controversial. The presence of mosaic embryos is a major issue among these problems. In this paper, we look at the pitfalls of PGT-A from two perspectives: the embryonic biopsy technique, which collects some cells from the embryo in order to perform PGT-A, and the self-correcting function of aneuploid cells in the embryo.

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