Japanese society of Ova Research


Vol.16 No.1

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Twin Calving Induced by the Control of Numbers of Ovulations using an Ultrasound Scanning Scope and Aspiration of Follicles
JMOR, 16(1) 16-18, 1999
DOI: 10.1274/jmor.16.16
National Institute of Animal Industry, MAFF. Tsukuba Norindanchi 305, Japan 1Present address: Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Station, MAFF. Morioka Shimokuriyagawa, 020-0198, Japan 2Present address: Mobara Mobara, 297-0026, Japan

The aspiration of excess numbers of follicles was examined as a method for inducing twin pregnancy in cattle. Seven cattle were administered follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) for superovulation. The number of follicles was measured by an ultrasound scanning scope and excess numbers of follicles were punctured and aspirated to decrease the number of ovulations. One or two follicles were left intact in each ovary. Two of six cattle responding to FSH bore twins and one pair of twin calves was born.

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