Japanese society of Ova Research


Vol.29 No.3

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Mini Review
Current Status and the Future of Bovine Embryo Transfer using Sex Determined Embryos
JMOR, 29(3) 124-127, 2012
DOI: 10.1274/jmor.29.124
Animal Breeding and Reproduction Research Division, Institute of Livestock and Grassland Science, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Tsukuba 305-0901, Japan

The embryo transfer technology represents a powerful tool for the acceleration of various breeding programs in cattle. In cattle breeding, it is important to know the sex of embryos in order to improve the genetic potential of the herd. Normally, only five to six calves can be obtained during the reproductive life-time of a cow. However, calving rates can be increased by superovulation and embryo transfer program. If embryo sexing techniques are applied for the program, embryos with the preferred sex can be obtained from cows with high genetic performance. This is a potent way to improve the genetic background and production of animals. However, the reliability, cost, practicality and time required for this approach must be considered as well. The present paper discusses the current status and the future of bovine embryo transfer using sex determined embryos.

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